We are now offering an online fitness class option from home.
The fitness classes are through Fitness On Demand and it is easy to get signed up.
If you are interested and you are from Morden, Winkler or the surrounding area, simply send us an email to candice.fittwell@gmail.com or if you are from Winnipeg or from other areas of Manitoba send an email to mojowaz.fittwell@gmail.com requesting to receive the classes.
You can easily etransfer us your small monthly payment (you will NOT be automatically locked in for any future payments or added time). It is only $10/month plus GST with a Fittwell Gym Membership or $15/month plus GST as a stand alone or for non-members.
You will then be emailed a link for your sign in and be able to access a variety of classes immediately. There are so many to choose from! You can choose based on fitness level, type of class, duration. There is something for everyone here!
Give it a try and stay fit from home!